Monday, June 1, 2009


This a detail from a drawing, the full thing too large to post here. From a vintage photo in my collection. I think I remember seeing ads like this on barns when I was younger. I say " i think" because I've seen them so many times in pictures that I don't know if I remember or if it's one of those memories you make up. I do remember the old Burma Shave signs along the road. Those were neat and something I haven't seen in a long long time. Driving to Kansas City as a kid (passenger of course) those signs would make the trip so much shorter waiting for the next group to come up. They had some good ones but I don't remember any now, going to have to google it soon as this picture gets loaded.

1 comment:

david said...

just a few, a google worth googling

Violets are blue
Roses are pink
On graves
Of those
Who drive and drink

Twinkle, twinkle
One-eyed car
We all wonder
WHERE you are

These signs
We gladly
To men who've had
No date of late