Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Old Car

If your paying attention you know I like the old cars, anything from the turn of the century actually. I also like drawing in small areas, it takes less space to store the ones I might keep and I can switch around more, doesn't hurt so much to toss the exspensive big sheets or canvass on the many, many drawings I totally screw up. I noticed some artists are doing 4 X6 now, theres a name for it but I forget. It's a marketing ploy of course, like the aceo's, give folks something that doesn't cost too much and just make more product. I like to draw small so I cut up some sheets into 4X6 and this is one, actually the bird was also.

Finally a nice day here, no gray, good blue skies and big all white clouds. All good but now the wife will be at me to get on the yard work, already is in fact. Got to take the bad with the good.

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