Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hot Air

I've never been for a ride but think it has to be neat.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

1928 Dodge Brothers

28Vicotry Six (for any picky critics it's a one way street) :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Still Nighttime

It's still nighttime here in my studio, ok I don't really have a studio, I mean the couch where I sit and watch television and draw everyday, otherwise known as the "family room".

We do know what time it is in this one as it has a clock drawn in although I don't remember if I finished this before or after we set the clocks ahead, something I forgot all about this year.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Not sure if the guy in the picture is up working late or up early, all pen and ink.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


A more familiar car, this time a Ford. I should probably stick to the more obscure makes as I fear the expert out there who will shame me by saying the Ford didn't have this or did have that and I left it out. I meant to put up a sign that said " NO experts allowed" but never got around to it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jackson Auto

Pen and Ink drawing of a Jackson Auto circa 1928, not a make I was familiar with but from a magazine ad they made a fine group of auto's ( finer then my talent represents) Probably going to add some color to it but done for now.
My wife was reading the paper to me, something she insists on doing every day no matter if I listen or not. That's fine, anything that simple that makes her happy suits me. Anyway she was reading me the temperatures predicted for the next week and I think I heard something about high forties and maybe she said a fifty in there somewhere. About time I'm thinking.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Street Pen and Ink

Just a "keep me busy" drawing, had nothing in mind when I started. I'd say I do it to keep out of trouble but the truth is that these days I don't need to draw to keep out of trouble. Any trouble I might get into is going to have to be something with a long statute of limitations.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Her Car

Same as usual. inks and watercolor pencil.

Took our two newest kittens in to have them neutered yesterday, $200 for the two or them.

As most men might I felt a certain amount of quilt doing it but if you don't they spray and we have a pack of feral cats around the neighborhood as it is. In fact thats where these two came from as the lady next door kind of takes them in and cares for the litters as they pop up or out whichever term you prefer. She does get the females in to fix them when she can but catching a feral cat isn't such an easy thing.

Anyway the kittens came home seeming not to have noticed they were missing anything they had left with, a bit wobbly at first ( as was I after paying $200) but a day later and they seem back to thier happy selves.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wow, a Post

Well over a month since my last post, a new "worst" record. I try to avoid making excuses but I had a birthday since my last post, number 60 which I find particularly depressing. Fifty slipped by easy as it marked the official retirement age for my former occupation but sixty is nothing to look forward to, just a "getting old" milemark. Oh well, I don't feel much different, some days I feel like sixty and some days I feel older or younger, all evens out. I still find myself wondering what I'm going to do when I grow up though and wondering if it's just me or if my dad or grandpa felt like that ( they always seemed grown up to me but then maybe I seem that way to my son and grandson and other "kids". It's been warming the last week anyway here in Chicagoland, 30's and maybe a low 40 a day or two, rained all last night, lot better then snow. We celebrated my step sons birthday today, not to be stuck on the age thing. He's forty one and still seems a lot like a kid to me so that must be the answear to my quandry, all depends on what spot your looking at it from.

The drawing is pen and ink, the gent in front from a cabinet card I bought and the rest just made up. I have been drawing this whole time but not finishing much, also a reason for not posting. That will happen, either uninspired or just frustrated at getting it down on paper. I'll try to make it more frequent, have to see what happens. Hope anyone reading had a good Christmas and the rest of the days as well.